Amateur to Professional Triathlete with Pilates For Sports

Aug 14, 2018

Since beginning with the Pilates For Sports team during the winter of 2015, pilates has played a pivotal role in my development as an athlete and has been integral in my progression from decent amateur to amateur World Champion and now professional triathlete. 

Pilates is providing me with highest quality, targeted injury prevention and strengthening program allowing me to perform and function at my best, both during training and racing.  I have remained injury free, have again increased thresholds and have continued to refine all aspects of my performance with the help of PFS.  This has culminated with an Ironman personal best at Ironman Cairns in June of this year and an overall finish position of 4th.  β€‹

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Nathan Shearer 
​Pro Triathlete


50% Complete

Two Step

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