New Clients
Attracting new clients is important for any studio, however, this is becoming harder as more and more studios appear around you. Everyone is trying to target the same people. Find out how Pilates For Sports can help.
The Solution
Pilates For Sports provides the solution by offering a series of 10 week challenges to improve performance in cycling. This will allow you to communicate with a whole new group of customers.
The 10 week challenge for cyclists can be delivered in your studio, either as a standalone program or alongside your existing classes.
Discover the ease of learning online on your own schedule. Gain instant access to an extensive library of over 70 videos, detailed class plans, and helpful cue cards. Dive into four, 10-week challenges and explore more than 150 cycling-specific exercises. Cyclists are eager to connect with you.
PAA Approved: Successful completion provides 12 PDPs
Cycling Instructor Course: $499 AUD / $349 USD
PILATES ASSOCIATION AUSTRALIA - PDP'SPilates For Sports Cycling. What do you get?
- 7+ hours of amazing video content designed to teach you everything
- 2 years access to all content
- Full repertoire, with over 150 exercises linked to cycling
- Four, 10 week challenges for your clients
- Class plans, cue cards and full manual for delivery in studio
- 10PFS is our take home program for your clients. It is delivered online and includes the full 10 week repertoire that mirrors the studio challenges.
- Initial Consultation for cyclists with in-studio video support
- 70+ questions to guide and challenge your thinking about how to teach cyclists
- Exclusive supplemental materials for download
- Certificate of achievement
- Mentorship training from top instructors
- 12 PDP credits for PAA members
Sharing The Knowledge
As the premier provider of Pilates to top-tier sports organizations globally, we've had the unique opportunity to collaborate with elite, age-group, and recreational athletes. This experience has granted us a deep insight into the root causes of pain and injury in sports. We're excited to share these insights with you. Join us, and let's unlock these secrets together.
Coming Soon
We are currently working on a number of new instructor programs, with the following available in the next 6 to 12 months. If you would like to know when a program is available, please send us a message via the contact page.
Pilates For Sports, Pty Ltd
2-4 Station Walk
Brighton Beach, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3186
Tel: +61 419 909 511
Copyright 2024 Pilates For Sports